marți, 17 ianuarie 2012 : Reducere de 50 % la toate produsele WSO lansate de noi !

Revenim cu o oferta unica pentru Romania si nu numai . 

Noi vom lansa in lunile urmatoare cate un WSO adica Warrior special offer pe cel mai important forum de profil din Lume !

Acestea sunt tutoriale care va deslusesc marile secrete din lumea SEO pe care pana acum nimeni nu vi le-a prezentat. 

Ca sa intelegeti conceptul aveti aici un exemplu al primului WSO lansat de catre Dan Bradu :

Acesta este primul ! In fiecare luna urmeaza cate unul .

Oferta speciala consta in faptul ca numai membri forumului vor beneficia nelimitat de 50 % discount la aceste WSO.

Pentru a beneficia de aceste oferte trebuie sa aveti minimum de 10 postari , indiferent de categorie. Important este ca aceste postari sa fie la obiect si nu facute ca doar sa iasa la numar ! 

Dupa ce le-ati facut trimiteti PM catre Utilizatorul SEO Army si vi se va spune ce sa faceti sa intrati in posesia WSO-ului la pret preferential.

Sfatul meu este sa le incercati si abia apoi le veti intelege !!

Asadar va asteptam pe toti cu aceste oferte. Veti primi email de cate ori va fi lansat un nou produs. 

PS Mai mult de atat in viitor cei care vor produce si ei WSO-uri vor putea sa le expuna spre vanzare cu aceleasi metode . Ele vor fi acceptate doar dupa verificarea de catre Administratorii forumului a autenticitatii si utilitatii lor.


luni, 16 ianuarie 2012

Unlimited High page rank Backlinks


You have heard and read a lot these words , but i got to tell you that this product is not what you have seen before. Please allow me a few minutes to show you that.

First of all i want to show you WHAT THIS TUTORIAL IS NOT !!!

1. We are not talking about Blog comments!!

2. We are not talking about forum spam.

3. We are not talking about No follow links.

As a matter of fact is still about links but you should see it much wider .

1. All of the WSo's about methods show you how to build links on subdomains .
2. Most of all show you how to build No Follow Links

The idea was VERY VERY generous and i digg it a little more !

And right now i have come with this unique offer to you.

What is this product about :

1. It will teach you how to create an account and activate your url and keyword

2. I will teach you ( for the first time everywhere) to put link on a INNER PAGE!!

3. ATTENTION!!! I will teach you to build links on over 200 different domains different than , with different IP'S .

4. BONUS !!! A list with 833 Page Rank 4 and above different pages ready to roll!! This pages are from 202 different websites and different subdoains . Even more they are from 104 different DOMAINS and different IP'S.

5. I will teach you to manually find those High Page Rank pages on more than 200 different domains . You will need no software , and not even Google to find it. You will be able to find pages that no scrapper will find with very LOW OBL!!!

Think about my offer. It is maybe the best deal you have ever made .This is a very simple step by step guide to do it. You do not need any special skills . Anyone can do it !!

Unlimited Anchored Do follow Backlinks From High Page Rank Pages.

More Than 200 different domains and different IP's

An Manually Method to find those pages with very low OBL!

Think about my offer and please compare it to any other offer on the market.

I have to admit that i have already made more than 20.000 $ selling packages from those links, so if you buy this WSO you will be ready to sell links or use it to skyrocket your website Pagerank and Serps.

I do not know why do you need this strategy but i must assure you that works EVERY single time!!

I will sell only 150 copies of that WSO, cause i want it to remain a " little secret " .

Another offers that you can buy on the sale Page

Buy here a list with 4562 different pages with Page Rank 4 and above , on 714 different domains and Subdomains, or if you like it like this : 333 different domains that Tumblr . This list is ready for your backlinks !!!

Or buy a smaller one of 127 different pages with Page rank 4 and above on 81 different subdomains. This list is made only with links !!

Check my costumers opinons about it :