sâmbătă, 12 martie 2011

How to get Free Unique Content for blog

Si pentru ca tot am inceput sa luam in serios acest blog ... haideti sa va dam si cateva mici secrete .. de ultima ora din industria SEO .

Din pacate pentru multi va trebui sa cititi engleza ca nu prea traducem noi. Ca tot veni vorba pe Seopedia de Copyscape , care e tool-ul SUPREM de copywright check, ia sa va invatam cum sa il evitati ( poate invata si ei ceva ) .

Cititi cu atentie si aplicati .

By using google-translator you can have free unique content for your website regardless what your site is about.
Steps to Follow
1- Find an article about your topic. Just search on google according to your needs.
2- Open the google-translator webpage. Copy and past the article that you’ve found into google-translator.
3- Assuming it is in english. First translate it from english to spanish. Then Spanish to english again. Then from English to French. Then from French to German. Then from German to English.
4- Finally you get unique content for free. The meaning of sentences is very good.
Also it passes the copyscape check. TESTED. You get free content and you don’t need to pay any money for content creator softwares. It is instant. It is FREE.

PS Voi de Guerilla Marketing ati auzit ??? ( poate intelegeti ce am facut noi aici , adika in articolul de mai jos ). In rest chiar nu avem nimic cu Seopedia , doar ca sunt mici, mici, prea mici. Atat

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